Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Panther Lake in Federal Way, WA

This lake is so good for photography! The lake is quiet and peaceful... Often in the evening and early in the morning the lake is foggy... Autumn... The trees look at the water like in a mirror enjoying their beauty... Gold, orange, and red leaves cover the water... Time to take pictures... Around the lake is a perfect trail. My gear was Nikon D3 camera, 24-70/2.8 G AF-S ED-IF lens & Polarizer.

There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though
Everything is a miracle.
-Albert Einstein-

To a mind that is still
the whole universe
- Chang Tzu -

A half an hour after sunset!.. ISO 6400!.. Isn't it amazing camera?!!


More pictures you can see on main site - clients -plake (password).

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Auburn, WA. White River. Foggy day...

Almost every day, after bringing my son to school, I am walking few miles by White River in Auburn. Yesterday, on November 18th, there was nice foggy morning and I took these pictures which you can enjoy with me...

Life isn't about finding yourself.
Life is about
creating yourself.
- unknown -

Imagination is the beginning of creation.
You imagine what you desire.
You will what you imagine and at last you
Create what you will.
- George Bernard Shaw -

It is
the privilege
of wisdom
to listen.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes -

Friday, November 14, 2008

Elena & Vladimir

Life is not about
                          the breath you take;
                                        it is about the 
that take your breath away.
                               - unknown -

More pictures  you can see on main site - the gallery - elena and vladimir

Monday, November 10, 2008

My new baby Christina

Write in your
           heart that
every day is the best day 
                            of the year.

Beauty is truth,
                             truth beauty -
that is all ye know on earth
                               and all ye need to know.
                                                  - John Keats -

If what's in your dreams
wasn't already
                  inside of  you
how could you even dream it ?
                             - Kobi Yamada -

More pictures with my baby you can see on main site - clients - christina (password).